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February 8, 1983 The day my mama brought me into this world.

According to Astrocal's Moon Sign Calculator, being born on that day says something about me.


This is what it says:

Moon in Sagittarius

"Your primary need is for adventure, for the thrill of facing the wild unknown. An urge for expansion is one of the hallmarks of your nature, an urge that you may fulfill by physical exploration and travel into foreign lands, by mental forays into further education paths or by spiritual quests for meaning and purpose. To assist you on your travels you have the gift of confidence or belief in yourself; when those inner fires of enthusiasm are burning you can climb any mountain. You hate to feel cribbed and confined, trapped by routine and necessity. You're a wild thing at heart and are never happier than when you have a distant horizon to stretch your eyes, feeling the wind in your hair or when taking a risk."

Yup. That's me. Come with me as I stretch my wings, dance across mountains, and delight in the beauty that surrounds us.

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