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  • Writer's pictureLacy Szuwalski

Pure Genius

Updated: Jul 11, 2021

You know that moment when you are engaging in an activity that you do every day and then you realize you could be doing it way better? Your idea feels like pure genius because it will make a difference EVERY DAY. I had one of those recently...

I was going to wash a piece of fruit when I saw the pitcher I use to water my plants also sitting in the sink. I thought, "This water is just running down the drain. If I wash my fruit over the pitcher, then I can use it again to water my plants! I'd save water!" And that was it. That was my moment of genius.

Since that moment, the pitcher is now always in the sink. Whenever I go to wash a fruit or veggie, rinse a knife that was used to cut something compostable, or rinse my hands of soil or food mess, I do it over the pitcher. When the pitcher is full, I take it out and water my plants. Y'all, I'm telling ya... it's pure genius.

What's your latest genius moment that helps you or the planet every day? I'd love to hear about it in the comments below. Until then, keep thinking and may a genius moment come your way.

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